STAY STILL SO YOU DON’T HURT BY NINA RAPI – BEST EXPERIMENTAL SHORT FILM International-Motion-Picture-Festival-of-India- 105711281734782/photos/ pcb.198505579122018/198504805788762
Νίνα Ράπη – συνέντευξη στο Τετράγωνο, Οκτώβριος 2021 nina-rapi-yparchei-tora-endiaferon-gia-toys-sygchronoys- provlimatismoys-stin-elliniki-dramatoyrgia? fbclid=IwAR2qjfS7Y7UG2oUvM1uZzwpZL3PAz_ ZULDoTkAHY6JPGTGOcnBDGp-IwIJ0
STAY STILL SO YOU DON’T HURT by Nina Rapi @ Paris Short Film Festival STAY STILL SO YOU DON’T HURT, Nina Rapi's first short film - text, music,…
Stay still so you don’t hurt by Nina Rapi @ Prague Biennale
Splinters by Nina Rapi online, part of The Greek Play Project New York 2021 Supported by the National Theatre of Greece and the Greek Consul of New York.…
Splinters by Nina Rapi @ The Greek Play Project New York Vol.3, 25-27 July 2021 2261?fbclid=IwAR3ho8xYg65mP7JMbA-bb5djKzuIXKfkPr-vpi7OzUax25wOdIdN0zaKGLs
Splinters @ The Greek Play Project New York 2021 archive_arts_literature_usa/arthro/ egtny_greek_play_project_present_ the_greek_play_project_new_york-2756722/
What reality? A dark comedy by Nina Rapi
Phoebe and Panos are a young couple in love but up to their necks in…
What reality? A dark comedy by Nina Rapi: a translatlantic zoom reading 30/5/21 "A couple's elaborate, fanciful, unrealistic and even miraculous efforts to ward off eviction and…