A play about borders, belonging and freedom.
Latest Production:
National Theatre of Greece, Analogia Festival, March 2010, (Performed Presentation)
Director: Takis Tzamarias
Company: Δυτικά της Πόλης
First Production:
Gate Theatre, November 2003, (Performed Presentation)
Director: Anastasia Revi
Company: TheatreLab
Notes: Edgewise had a writers’ reading at Battersea Arts Centre, 1996; it was
also selected for Eros Theatrou, I.T.I. & I.W.P.F. 2000; also Edgewise was to
be the first play of a trilogy on the theme of borders, in a proposal N.R. was
asked to submit to the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2000.
‘Nina Rapi creates her own fascinating, multi-layered world and brings to light the social, existential and ultimately political impasse of a society in total, protracted crisis. Our crisis.’